
A Note From Your Publisher

Suggestion for reading app

By Michelle Maestas, Publisher/Editor March 13, 2017


I wanted to pop in and tell you lovely ladies about a reading app I recently discovered for my kids.  I don't know about you but we love to read in this house.  There never seems like we have enough books around the house. Always looking for more!  I did a little research and came across this reading app called, Epic!  It's like having your own library within your house.  They have over 20,000 books for kids under the age of 12.  The great thing is you get your first month free and then it's only $4.99/month.  You also get up to three profiles you can use to keep track of your kids progress.  My kids love this app.  It really encourages them to want to read more and they have fun.  Can't beat that.  Head over to Epic and download your free month!  

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Love and Macaroni Hugs,
